Setup Argo CD Server

In this step, you will setup Argo CD server in EKS cluster

  1. Run the below command to setup argocd server in eks cluster

    cd /home/ec2-user/environment/recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/scripts
    nohup ./ argo-server >> ~/nohup.log 2>&1 &
    tail -f ~/nohup.log 

    This will take about 2 minutes to provision

    Attention:If this workshop deployed in China Region,you will see the following output and mention you to create SSH Tunnel. Open a new SSH Client in your local environment and goto the Key Pair directory. Copy and Paste the following SSH Command.

    Create Tunnel

    the console will output user name, password and server endpoint of argocd like below:

    Argocd password

    Copy endpoint into browser to access argocd server portal, if you are the first time to access this endpoint, click Advanced and Proceed to …

    Argocd First

    Argocd Second

    Input user name and password, then click SIGN IN, the portal should looks like below:

    Argocd Signin

    Argocd Second

The argo cd server setup successfully!!