Create Infrastructure

In this step, you will create Recommender System Online part infrastructure

  1. Run the command below to create infrastructure, including:

    • eks cluster
    • istio
    • efs
    • elastic cache(redis)
    cd /home/ec2-user/environment/recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/scripts
    nohup ./ infra >> ~/nohup.log 2>&1 &
    tail -f ~/nohup.log 

    This will take about 30 minutes to provision

  2. Verify the infrastructre already created successfully:

    Check EFS created successfully, the console output should like below:

    Verify EKS nodes

    Check elastic cache(redis) created successfully, the console output should like below:

    Verify EKS nodes

    Verify eks nodes created successfully, there should be two nodes and status should be Ready

    kubectl get node

    Verify EKS nodes