The Story Line Of Recommender System Workshop

The story line consists of the following parts, and these help you learn how a recommender system works and how to make contributions

  • Browse the recommender system

    • In this part, you will interact with the recommender system. You will see what happens when you open a news app.
  • Data exploration

    • In real world, the recommender system is serving thousands of customers and it is important to analyze the action data. In this part, you will know how to use dashboard to find out the statistical data of your system
  • Update online logic

    • In this part, you will learn how update online logic to add hot topic function and more ways of recall functions based on the portrait.
  • Update offline logic

    • In this part, you will learn how update offline logic to add more recall functions based on keywords.
  • Action model update

    • As more data gathered in the system, it is a good practice to re-train the model to ensure the performance.
  • New items added

    • In different scenarios, new items will be added to the system in different frequency. In this part, you will learn that how this can be achieved by calling two offline functions.