In this part, you’ll change some code to add two features in online part, and then deploy them to your Recommender System.
Open recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/src/filter/plugins/news/
Go to line 358 and uncomment below code.
# hot_topic_news_list = self.get_hot_topic_news_list(user_id, hot_topic_count, present_recommend_news_id_list, recommended_news_list)
Push your change to your CodeCommit repo
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/src/filter/plugins/news
git pull
git add
git commit -m "test for online development"
git push
Go to codebuild project , and search gcr-rs-dev-workshop-filter-build
. Build the project again.
After gcr-rs-dev-workshop-filter-build succeeded, ArgoCD will deploy filter services in 3 minutes, please go to ArgoCD to check it.
Verify it. After clicking at three pieces of news, you will see the recommendation list in the first channel. The recommendation result consists of two parts. The first part is top recommendation according to the most interested type in your portrait. In this example, it seems that gcr-rs-admin is very interested in the entertainment, the first 2-3 lines of recommendation list are entertainment news:
Open /recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/src/recall/plugins/news/
Go to line 142 and uncomment below code.
# self.recall_by_portrait(user_portrait, recall_wrap, recall_items, multiple_shot_record)
Push your change to your CodeCommit repo
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/src/recall/plugins/news
git pull
git add
git commit -m "test for online portrait"
git push
Go to codebuild project and search gcr-rs-dev-workshop-recall-build. Build the project again.
After gcr-rs-dev-workshop-recall-build succeeded, ArgoCD will deploy filter services in 3 minutes, please go to ArgoCD to check it.
Verify it. After clicking at three pieces of news, recall process will be triggered, you can go to argo cd server to check recall service log, you should see **portrait_** text in **recall result**