Develop Offline Of Recommender System

Experience recall logic

Experience recall without keywords

  1. Open recall log GUI

    recall argo log GUI

  2. Click 4 ~ 5 news in the recommended list

    recommended list GUI

  3. View recall log in argo GUI

    recall log without keywords

Experience recall with keywords

  1. Run below script to change recall config file:

    cd /home/ec2-user/environment/recommender-system-dev-workshop-code/scripts

    The old config file:

    recall config old

    The new config file:

    recall config new

    The recall config file has been changed and offline notified online to load new config file. Please click the Step Function Link, search rs-dev-workshop-News-NotificationStepFunc and wait the status become succeed.

    Please wait about 4 minutes, make sure the execution of step functions `rs-dev-workshop-News-NotificationStepFunc` is complete
  2. Click 4 ~ 5 news in the recommended list again

    recommended list GUI

  3. View recall log in argo GUI

    From the log, we can see that new config is loaded:

    recall log load new config file

    Recall with keywords is in the log:

    recall log with keywords